Here are a few of the 100+ media mentions our ​CEO and company have received over the years.

Companies That Will Hire You To Work From Home

Patrick Erwin, writer

In the last few years, working from home has gone from being a rarity to a reality. With advances in technology, more people are able to link to work from their home computers or laptops. And as employees continue to crave flexibility and yearn for a better work/life balance, more people are working from home for at least part of their workweek.

Read the article here

Smartphones: The Pluses and Minuses for Workers

John Rossheim, Monster Senior Contributing Writer

Endowed with phone, Web, email and PDA capabilities such as a calendar, contacts and so on, handheld wireless multimedia devices like BlackBerrys, Treos and iPhones are continuously adding features to their already formidable mix.

Read the article here

Are SMB's Missing the Open Source Boat?

Erika Morphy, Co-author, ‘The Geek Gap’

Jennifer Goodwin is on a mission–and a budget that doesn’t go beyond five digits. Goodwin is gearing up to expand her company,, which provides virtual business administrative support.

‘I have been turning away business for a couple of years now, in some part due to the lack of IT support systems that I need,’ Goodwin told LinuxInsider…

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Forging a Future with Fewer Jobs

Huffington Post LIVE

Whether you work from home or in an office, part-time or full-time, the 9 to 5 dynamic has evolved. Is an economic future with fewer jobs & fewer work hours inevitable?

Why You Need To Hire A Virtual Assistant

MINDA ZETLIN, Co-author, ‘The Geek Gap’

Overwhelmed at the office? But not ready to hire new staff? A virtual assistant might be the solution.

For small businesses that are drowning in paperwork or administrative tasks, the traditional choice has been to hire a part-time or full-time assistant, or else slog through unassisted. But in these work-from-home days of the Internet, there’s a third option: hiring a virtual assistant.

Read the article here

A Checklist for Wringing Out IT Costs


WRITER: Michael Doan

​PUBLISHED: 11/14/2008

Modern Day Girl Friday Helping Veteran Small Business Owners​

MEDIA OUTLET: Business Innovators Radio

Jennifer Goodwin, 15-year internet marketing expert, funnel guru and supporter of veteran-owned businesses is with us today to speak about how she can help small businesses succeed on the web using cutting edge tactics

Listen to the interview here

FVD Interview Jennifer Goodwin Law vs Legal


Great Admins are in Great Demand

John Rossheim, Monster Senior Contributing Writer

What will 2008 hold for administrative professionals? With so many forces roiling the labor market – the trend toward just-in-time hiring, an economy squeezed by a credit crunch, technology that both destroys and creates jobs – it’s hard to say.

But this perennial truth will hold: Great admins are hard to find, and they will be in great demand.

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Jennifer Goodwin Gives the Goods on Her Secret Virtual Assistant Empire

MEDIA OUTLET: Sales Funnel Radio w/Steve Larsen

Veteran Daryl Hill Interviews Jennifer Goodwin

MEDIA OUTLET: Daryl Hill on The MMC Show

Hank’s Marketing and Business Tip #92: Jennifer Goodwin Discusses Having a Foundation​

MEDIA OUTLET: iContact INTERVIEWER: Hank Hoffmeier

Jennifer gives us some background about her career and her veteran charity. We discuss pushing through and finding someone to hold you accountable.

Watch the interview here